Show Your Support

Your donation to the Assist the Officer Foundation makes a difference. It’s the generous gifts from you, our friends and sponsors, that continue to help us reach officers in need. Following are several ways you can make a contribution, please donate today!

Giving Options

To donate to The Assist The Officer Foundation by credit card, simply click the Donate button below. You will be taken to our secure page where you may enter your credit card information.


Mail your check/money order to the address below:

Assist the Officer
1412 Griffin Street East
Dallas, TX 75215


Please call (214) 747-6839 to make a donation by phone. A Dallas Police Association staff member will assist you with the process and answer any questions you may have about your contribution.

If you are making an honorary or memorial gift, please inform us of the family contact name and address (for memorials) or the individual's name and address (for honorary gifts). The ATO will notify the family or individual of your gift.

We do not share any donor information with any third party. Our mail and email lists are private. The Assist The Officer Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and your donation may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Thank an Officer Today!

While monetary contributions to the Foundation are always greatly appreciated, a financial donation isn't the only way you can help or show your support. Police officers, fire fighters and emergency operators work around the clock, missing out on family time during the weekends and weeknights in order to keep you safe. They are the men and women who are willing to step into danger to enforce our laws and are willing to lay down their lives to protect others. By supporting the teams and individuals who work hard to keep us safe, you’ll be encouraging them to continue the work they do.

You can show your support by attending law enforcement sponsored events, lending a hand to an officer or fire fighter in your neighborhood with everyday chores, writing a thank you letter or encouraging your child to draw a picture for an officer that helped you or your family.

And never underestimate the power of a simple "Thank You!" Take time to acknowledge and extend courtesy to an officer today!

Police Memorial Event

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation which designated May 15th as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which that date falls as Police Week. Each year, as part of a local ceremony for National Police Week, the Dallas Police Department honors its fallen officers on the site of the Police Memorial, located at the intersection of Young Street and Akard Street. The annual service is held at Noon on Wednesday of Police Week and includes the roll call of honor, a 21-gun salute, helicopter flyover, mounted and motorcycle units, music from the Dallas Police and Fire-Rescue Bagpipe Ensemble, and remarks from the Mayor and Chief of Police.

The event is open to everyone and promises to be an experience unlike any other. We welcome you to join us. For more information please call 214-671-4065.